Despite the common belief, you don't need tens of thousands of dollars… dozens of products… team members… and countless working hours to succeed on Amazon.

Most of the time, you just need to do the right things the right way.

Just like Ana Silva and her daughter Giulia did.

In February 2018, Ana decided that it's time to make a change.

That, instead of only depending on someone else signing her check, it's time for her to write her own checks.

That's when she followed ASM program and started selling on Amazon.

In February 2018, I started selling on Amazon...

And even though I currently have only one product, I’ve been consistently making $30k a month since then.

Around Christmas time… I even reach $100k a month.

Ana is leveraging Amazon's insane infrastructure and hordes of buyers to build her business and completely change her life.

Now, her and the life of her family is much different:

Going on vacation out of the country twice a year is not something I need to think twice about now...

I never thought I’d say that.

I feel more confident than ever about my financial situation FOR SURE.

I still have a son in college... but paying for everything out of pocket doesn’t feel overwhelming anymore."

Ana also loves her regular “career”, so she has decided to stay on as an Assistant Director at a University, but the flexibility to leave whenever she wants is there now!

People still cannot believe what I was able to accomplish in such a short period of time, totally on the side, with just a few hours to spare.

Sure… Initially, I was investing 15-20 hours a week, and mostly on weekends.

But right now, I work less than 5 hours a week.

Amazon is simply the best opportunity out there."

One product.

She still has her day job and runs this as a side gig.

And with only 5 hours a week, she brings in approx. $30,000 per month.*

Ana is truly living the dream.

Was she afraid to start and jump into the unknown? I’d say yes.

But as the saying goes:

The life you want is on the other side of the fear.

Face the fear and start living your dream life.


These member’s results may not be typical. ASM members joining between 2013-2016 who completed the program and launched a new brand had median annual revenue of $60,750.00.


(*) These member’s results may not be typical. ASM members joining between 2013-2016 who completed the program and launched a new brand had median annual revenue of $60,750.00.

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